Be Good to Your Motorcycle: Change the Oil and Filter
Following your manufacturer’s recommendation and changing the oil and filter of your motorcycle at the correct intervals will go a long way to prolonging engine life. That’s one of the services we offer here at AJ Cycle & Trike Conversions. The cleanest, easiest way to take care of this is to simply make an appointment for oil service and bring your bike in to our service department in Jasper, Indiana, convenient to Evansville, Indiana; Louisville, Kentucky; and beyond.
However, if you are a do-it-yourself fan, here’s some quick info on the project. Prepare for the job by getting the oil recommended by your owner’s manual, a new filter, and a pan to catch the old oil. Tools you’ll need include a socket that fits your oil drain plug, a compatible breaker bar, and any special tools required to remove and install the oil filter such as universal filter pliers (see your service manual).
Oil Change
Ideally, perform this job while the oil is still warm from operation, but not hot. This will do the best job of capturing suspended particles before they settle when the oil is stone-cold, plus warm oil is more fluid and drains faster. Place your pan below your oil drain plug, remove it, and let all the oil drain into the pan. When it’s fully drained, transfer the oil into a sealed container for secure, proper disposal.
Filter Change
Remove your old oil filter. Before attaching the new one, swipe a film of oil on the gasket. Tighten the filter according to manufacturer specifications, not as hard as you can. Replace the oil drain plug and tighten it to the prescribed torque. Now add the required amount of oil.
Check Your Work and Pat Yourself on the Back
Once you’ve completed your oil change, turn on the engine and let it idle. Make sure the oil pressure light goes out, which may take 30-60 seconds. If it doesn’t go out, there’s a problem, so turn off your engine and investigate the situation.
Before you change your oil for the first time, we recommend that you read your manual carefully and look for a video or written tutorial online that depicts your specific bike, so you don’t confront any surprises. Performing routine maintenance is a terrific way to get better acquainted with your motorcycle, which is always a good thing.